County/State Population Projections
These are the Vintage 2024 Population Projections that incorporate population trends shown in the latest population estimates. These tables and data include population estimates through July 1, 2023.
Updated 1/15/2025
Population Overview
Population Growth Overview Table
Growth Tables
County Population by Race and Hispanic Origin
Population Estimate and Projection Data are also available on our visualization platform at
Population Estimates/Projections Data
Sex and Single Years of Age (2020 – 2060)
Single file that includes the 2020-2023 population estimates, and the 2024-2060 population projections for all counties and the state.
Sex, Race, Age Groups (2020-2060)
Single file that includes the 2020-2023 population estimates, and the 2024-2060 population projections for all counties and the state.
Hispanic Origin by Race (2020-2060)
Single file that includes the 2020-2023 population estimates, and the 2024-2060 population projections for all counties and the state.
Coming Soon: Hispanic Origin/Race by Sex and Age (2020-2060)
Single file that includes the 2020-2023 population estimates, and the 2024-2060 population projections for all counties and the state.
File Layout
Data (Excel format)