Evidence is the body of information indicating how likely a belief is to be true or false. Many types of information might be relevant, from personal experience and anecdote, to data analyzed with descriptive statistics, to methodologies that lead to causal inference with data.
Evidence is more robust – more likely to indicate the true state of the world, and to be persuasive – when it is based on systematic methods of observation, analysis, and interpretation. These methods can be explained and are open to replication attempts. Even skeptics can review the sources of information and decide if they agree with its interpretation. This is key to successfully changing minds, especially in debates about public policy and programs.
OSBM's Role
OSBM facilitates the use and generation of evidence in a variety of ways.
- We provide evidence trainings and consultations to teach methods and practical techniques.
- We conduct evidence reviews.
- We convene events and facilitate inter-agency and external relationships, to foster a community of practice and spark partnerships to do applied research.
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What is the JDF?
The Justification Documentation Form (JDF) is used during budget development. The JDF is a tool for for describing a budget request and presenting the rationale and supporting evidence behind it.
An agency’s budget office submits the JDF to OSBM. We recommend budget offices delegate the JDF to staff who are most familiar with the program or policy related to the budget request. Program staff are usually in the best position to complete the JDF—especially its questions related to outputs, outcomes, and evidence. This division of labor also reduces the burden on budget staff.