OSBM Administered Grants

OSBM administers Directed Grants as appropriated by the North Carolina General Assembly. If your organization received a grant administered by OSBM, please refer to this page for updated information.

OSBM will contact recipients of Directed Grants as directed by state appropriations. If you believe your organization was appropriated an OSBM-managed grant and you have not heard from our agency, please contact NCGrants@osbm.nc.gov. Please check your email service's spam/junk folder to confirm you have not received an email from NCGrants@osbm.nc.gov

Grant recipients will receive detailed instructions via email, but can prepare the following documentation in advance:  

  1. Office of the State Controller's Substitute W-9 Form
  2. Vendor Electronic Payment Form 
    • Include supporting document verifying the account number provided on Vendor Electronic Payment Form (i.e. voided check, bank statement, letter from bank)
  3. Conflict of Interest Policy 
  4. No Overdue Tax Form 
    • Sworn statement that your organization does not have overdue tax debts (see G.S. 143C-6-23.(b)).
  5. Scope of Work outlining what will be accomplished with grant funds.  
    Scope of Work Examples:

Once all documents are received and approved, OSBM will prepare a grant agreement for grant recipients to sign prior to disbursing funds.

Upcoming Training

See our Reporting page to register for upcoming webinars on reporting grant-funded activities.

More resources 

December 21, 2023

Introduction to OSBM Administered State Directed Grants

View the presentation slides from this webinar. 

The Keys to Unlocking State Grant Funds

For general requirements of Directed Grants, please see the State Budget Manual Section 3.15.

Allowable uses of directed grant funds

The Three Rs of Grant Compliance

How to Upload a Quarterly Performance Report