Internal Audit Internships

The Council of Internal Auditing manages an internal audit internship program to strengthen the state's internal audit resource capacity while providing students with unique opportunities to gain invaluable experience performing internal audit engagements under close supervision. Interns may engage in critical risk areas such as information technology issues, compliance with federal and state laws related to COVID-19 relief funding, and data analytics to encourage continuous monitoring and auditing. These are unpaid positions and expose students to the possibility of working in state government.    

The program is supervised by an internal audit manager in the Central Internal Audit Office. 

Request an intern

Internal Audit Directors and Chief Audit Officers can request an intern by email. Projects are evaluated and selected for completion. Interns are recruited during the fall and spring semesters.  

For more information

Please email for additional information about the internship program.

Recent accomplishments

  • 25 students participated in the program
  • 13 agencies/universities internal audit function participated in the program
  • 28 engagements were completed
  • 3 interns obtain full-time permanent paid position within state government