Suspension of Funding List

Per 09 NCAC 03M, agencies shall not disburse any state financial assistance to an entity that is on the Suspension of Funding List.  OSBM maintains the Suspension of Funding List (SOFL) of non-compliant grant recipients.  

This list is updated weekly. See below for the current list. To export the list, click "Export Data Table" link after the last entry.  

To add or remove a grant recipient from the SOFL, the state agency requesting the change should contact OSBM at All issues of noncompliance must be resolved, and documentation provided to OSBM by the funding agency before a recipient can be removed from the SOFL.  Each agency is responsible for establishing a central point of contact who is authorized to communicate changes of suspension status to OSBM. If your state agency would like to be added to the SOFL email distribution list, please contact

The SOFL will include a partial Tax ID number and a system generated Grantee ID as unique identifiers for grantees.

Some federal food grant programs, such as CACFP, cannot have funding suspended. However, these suspended recipients should not have their contracts renewed if they remain suspended at the time of renewal.

Tips for checking if your agency grant recipients are on the SOFL! Watch our video tutorial on fuzzy matching with the SOFL.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact

Grantee Name Tax ID Grantee ID Fiscal Year End Suspension Date Suspension Reason Details
2Plus, Inc XX-XXX2962 2000001004 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Academic Achievers XX-XXX8969 2000003110 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Action Pathways/ d.b.a./ Cumberland XX-XXX5795 2000002045 December 3/8/2025 FY23 audit not submitted
Action Pathways/ d.b.a./ Cumberland Community Action Program, Inc, XX-XXX5795 2000002045 December 3/8/2025 FY23 audit not submitted
Affinergy LLC XX-XXX7926 2000006793 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Affordable Housing Coalition XX-XXX2129 2000004154 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Alganomics XX-XXX6231 2000006625 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Alliance Credit Counseling XX-XXX6261 2000005773 June 6/9/2020 Failure to submit reports - NC HFA
America Charters, Ltd. DBA Coach America XX-XXX8246 2000002870 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
AMEZ Housing Community Development Corporation XX-XXX7052 2000002783 June 4/27/2020 Failure to sumbit reports - NC HFA
Another Step Forward Ministries XX-XXX1365 2000003615 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
AOK Sanitations, Inc XX-XXX8891 2000004573 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Archer Daniels Midland Company XX-XXX9150 2000001957 July 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
ATC/VANCOM, Inc. XX-XXX9560 2000005167 June 12/31/2007 missing reports prior to FY 2008 - Transportation
AWOL Outreach Inc XX-XXX9979 2000021340 June 3/19/2025 Missing expense reports
Balanced Nutrition, Inc. XX-XXX0224 2000005520 December 7/12/2021 Failure to submit reports - DHHS
Bayboro Development Center, Inc. XX-XXX5674 2000003362 December 2/1/2017 Failure to submit reports
Biographics, Inc. XX-XXX8444 2000000980 April 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Black Velvet Solar, Inc. XX-XXX9395 2000002038 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Black's Memorial Presbyterian Church (CLOSED) XX-XXX3756 2000006474 June 12/31/2007 missing reports prior to FY 2008 - Juvenile Justice
Boiling Springs L/S&r Unit, Inc. XX-XXX3607 2000004317 December 12/31/2007 missing reports prior to FY 2008 - Insurance
Botani Pharm, LLC XX-XXX1687 2000003795 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Bridge Jobs Program XX-XXX4390 2000001836 June 12/31/2007 missing reports prior to FY 2008 - Crime Control
Brunswick Housing Opportunities, Inc. XX-XXX0930 2000004696 December 7/7/2017 Failure to submit reports
Builders And Manufacturers Group of Lenoir, Inc XX-XXX7760 2000001060 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Bull City Athletic Association XX-XXX3070 2000024218 December 3/19/2025 Missing Apr-June, Jul-Sept, Oct-Dec 24 performance reports
Cape Fear Green Building Alliance XX-XXX3270 2000006018 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Cape Fear Marina Association XX-XXX5766 2000001035 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Capital Comm Action Network XX-XXX7613 2000004509 December 6/30/2008 missing reports prior to FY 2008 - DHHS-Central Admin-Social Services
Carolina Soy Products, LLC XX-XXX0682 2000006579 June 12/31/2007 missing reports prior to FY 2008 - Transportation
Carteret County Wildlife Club XX-XXX6191 2000002151 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Case Farms, LLD XX-XXX7421 2000000712 June 12/31/2007 missing reports prior to FY 2008 - Transportation
Caswell County 21st Century Development Corp. XX-XXX4875 2000004474 June 12/31/2007 missing reports prior to FY 2008 - Commerce
Catawba Vlley Heritage Alliance XX-XXX4586 2000002239 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Central Piedmont Community Actiion, Inc, XX-XXX1200 2000006176 June 9/3/2024 Failure to submit FY23 audit report
Charlotte Repertory Theatre (CLOSED) XX-XXX6993 2000002424 June 12/31/2007 missing reports prior to FY 2008 - Cultural Resources
Child Abuse Prevention Team Of Wilkes County XX-XXX3784 2000001479 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Children's Advocacy Center of Yancey County XX-XXX8873 2000003595 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Christina Ann Inc. XX-XXX2897 2000004615 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Cloudwyze, Inc. XX-XXX4628 2000008343 December 2/11/2025 Failure to perform or complete various grant-funded projects in North Carolina
Columbus County Community Health Services XX-XXX6130 2000004970 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Communities in Schools of Durham, Inc. XX-XXX1366 2000005964 June 9/3/2024 Failure to submit an audit report FYE2022
Community Health Interventions and Sickle Cell Agency XX-XXX7597 2000002364 June 9/4/2019 Failure to submit reports - DHHS
Concerned Bikers Association/ABATE of NC , Inc. XX-XXX1601 2000005196 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Connectinc, Inc. XX-XXX3247 2000004193 June 2/24/2011 Manual Suspension - Dept. of Commerce
Corning Cable Systems XX-XXX8010 2000005361 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Crosswinds Marina, Inc. XX-XXX5648 2000002924 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Cumberland Regional Improvement Corporation XX-XXX8456 2000006859 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Curl Bio LLC XX-XXX1256 2000001102 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Currituck County Public Library Foundation XX-XXX7515 2000000668 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Defense Alliance of North Carolina XX-XXX7371 2000024280 September 12/2/2024 Noncompliance and dissolution
Domestic Violence And Rape Crisis Center of Scotland County XX-XXX1703 2000001255 June 9/5/2023 Missing Reports
Durham Association For Downtown Arts XX-XXX9667 2000001508 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Durham At Risk Youth Collaborative XX-XXX3133 2000002932 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
EDGECOMBE COUNTY XX-XXX0298 2000010631 June 3/19/2025 Missing expense reports
Energy Tight LLC XX-XXX8293 2000002043 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Energy United Water Corp. XX-XXX6237 2000005785 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Eno River Technologies Co. LLC XX-XXX6267 2000005429 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Evans Environmental Energies, Inc. (CLOSED) XX-XXX1284 2000002760 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Evergreen Trails, Inc. DBA Horizon Coach Lines XX-XXX9468 2000006785 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Faith Seeds Community Re-Entry Coalition XX-XXX9022 2000004428 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Family Violence Coalition Of Yancy County, Inc. XX-XXX4657 2000005587 June 11/22/2020 Overdue tax debts and loss of non-profit status/eligibility for 501(c) status per NC DOA
Franklin County Volunteers in Medicine Clinic XX-XXX0225 2000003774 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Friends Of The Court, Inc. XX-XXX0663 2000001542 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Friends of the Rocky Mount Children's Museum XX-XXX8003 2000003764 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Goldsboro District Development Corporation XX-XXX6558 2000005064 June 12/31/2007 missing reports prior to FY 2008 - Juvenile Justice
Green Coast Recycling XX-XXX8591 2000002523 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Green Rural Redevelopment Organization XX-XXX9180 2000019242 June 3/13/2025 FY23 audit not submitted
Green Rural Redevelopment Organization, XX-XXX9180 2000019242 June 3/13/2025 FY23 audit not submitted
G-Zero Therapeutics, Inc. XX-XXX8180 2000002926 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Hamlet Tree & Beautification Group (CLOSED) XX-XXX5129 2000003690 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Hampstead VFR (CLOSED) XX-XXX5051 2000003000 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Handmade In America Community Development Corporation (Closed) XX-XXX4083 2000003562 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Hatteras Island Ocean Center, Inc. XX-XXX2929 2000006196 September 10/28/2017 Failure to submit reports
Hayes-Taylor YMCA XX-XXX3243 2000003475 December 1/16/2024 Missing 2022 Audit Report
Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies-Closed XX_XXX8295 2000001482 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Higher Level Missions, Inc. XX-XXX5964 2000006426 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Highway Safety Association of North Carolina Inc. XX-XXX9000 2000006015 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Hispanic Task Force Of Lee County, Inc. XX-XXX6900 2000004155 June 12/31/2007 missing reports prior to FY 2008 - Crime Control
Holloman Investing, LLC XX-XXX5491 2000006654 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Holt Hosiery Mills Inc XX-XXX6530 2000000947 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Horizon Point XX-XXX8404 2000003297 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
ICAN XX-XXX9789 2000006089 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Indian Classical Music and Dance Society XX-XXX2936 2000002726 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Innova Homes, LLC XX-XXX7499 2000005332 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
International Paper Company XX-XXX2805 2000003866 August 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Jackson-Mason Conservation Alliance, Inc . XX-XXX1021 2000002875 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Justice in Motion XX-XXX6412 2000001769 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Keller Crescent Company XX-XXX1753 2000006724 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Kinston Lenoir County One-On-One, Inc. XX-XXX2879 2000001387 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Laurinburg District Youth Center Special XX-XXX8157 2000006345 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Loaves and Fishes XX-XXX3563 2000003755 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Mary E Wilson Foundation XX-XXX6583 2000001841 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Mary's Kitchen XX-XXX7017 2000001564 December 3/19/2025 Missing expense reports
MasterBrand Cabinets XX-XXX6717 2000006749 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Mecklenburg Sentencing Services, Inc. XX-XXX6560 2000002691 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Mission House For Women XX-XXX9000 2000000348 June 12/31/2007 missing reports prior to FY 2008 - Crime Control
MLFL, Inc. XX-XXX3822 2000020502 June 7/22/2024 Missing quartertly reports
Money Management International XX-XXX7741 2000006757 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Mosaic Rural Wellness Center XX-XXX4257 2000003630 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
MyFutureNC XX-XXX6658 2000018723 December 3/19/2025 Missing expense reports
National Association for Search & Rescue XX-XXX3775 2000005923 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
National Gypsum Company XX-XXX4490 2000001529 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
NC Police Chiefs Education & Research Foundation, Inc, XX-XXX1083 2000004500 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
NCDC Imaging (CLOSED) XX-XXX2908 2000001891 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
New Hanover County Community Action, Inc XX_XXX9131 2000002267 May 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
North Carolina Advocates for Justice XX-XXX2302 2000006091 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
North Carolina Black Repertory Company XX-XXX8704 2000001421 June 3/19/2025 Missing expense reports
North Carolina Crime Prevention Association XX-XXX7969 2000003296 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
North Carolina District Attorney's Association XX-XXX4419 2000001095 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
North Carolina Fair Housing Center XX-XXX8595 2000006510 December 6/30/2008 missing reports prior to FY 2008 - Justice
North Carolina Indian Cultural Center XX-XXX5598 2000002825 July 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
North Carolina Motorcyclists Education Foundation XX-XXX8291 2000005052 December 6/30/2008 missing reports prior to FY 2008 - Transportation
North Carolina Troopers Association Caisson Unit XX-XXX5933 2000003861 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
North Carolina Trucking Association, Inc. XX-XXX1085 2000005170 October 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
North Carolina's Northeast Commission XX-XXX7558 2000006702 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Northeastern Economic Empowerment Corporation XX-XXX9411 2000004899 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Norwood Museum, Inc. XX-XXX7072 2000023653 December 3/19/2025 Missing expense reports
Not Just Another Community Center, Inc. XX-XXX5096 2000001851 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Old Richmond Volunteer Fire XX-XXX4839 2000024075 June 3/19/2025 Missing performance reports
One Dozen Who Care, Inc. XX-XXX0121 2000003999 December 11/6/2017 Failure to submit reports
OneVIBE XX-XXX6978 2000004371 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Operation Kids on Guard, Inc. XX-XXX7049 2000002723 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Orphan Foundation of America XX-XXX8437 2000002958 December 1/6/2023 Missing 2021 Audit Report
Outer Banks Community Development Corporation XX-XXX0655 2000006783 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Oxford Business And Professional Chains (CLOSED) XX-XXX2468 2000005065 June 12/31/2007 missing reports prior to FY 2008 - Juvenile Justice
PalletOne of North Carolina, Inc. XX-XXX9465 2000001715 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Peachland Fire Dist Of Anson Co. XX-XXX3895 2000000616 June 3/19/2025 Missing Jan-Mar + Oct-Dec 22 performance reports
Peter G Oakley XX-XXX1409 2000006109 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Pitt Area Transit System, Inc. (CLOSED) XX-XXX7997 2000007761 June 12/31/2007 missing reports prior to FY 2008 - Transportation
Planet Recycling, Inc XX-XXX0539 2000005900 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Positive Change for Youth, Inc. XX-XXX0941 2000001777 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Promise Place XX-XXX7967 2000000416 June 3/21/2023 Missing 2020 Audit Report
Provagen, Inc. XX-XXX6519 2000000759 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
PSC Phosphate, INC XX-XXX1755 2000002117 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Radio Island Yacht & Boating Club XX-XXX3690 2000002952 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Raleigh Ensemble Players (CLOSED) XX-XXX4894 2000002527 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Reach Out and Read, Inc. XX-XXX1253 2000017185 June 12/1/2023 Missing Audit Report
Reggie Killough#??s Christ Team, Inc. XX-XXX0367 2000001760 December 6/17/2010 Per Curtis Terry Allison Owen and OSA for misappropriation of funds - DHHS-Central Admin-Rural Healt
ReLoad LLC XX-XXX7310 2000002768 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Restoration CDC, Inc. XX-XXX3122 2000003050 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Retired Military Association of NC Inc XX-XXX0376 2000019249 June 3/19/2025 Missing expense reports
RFD CDC XX-XXX0602 2000004701 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
River City Community Development Corporation XX-XXX9321 2000001306 December 3/16/2023 Failure to submit reports?NCHFA
Roanoke Chowan S.A.F.E. XX-XXX7050 2000003137 June 8/16/2021 Management deficiencies per DPS GCC
Roanoke Valley Chamber of Commerce XX-XXX3050 2000006148 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Roberson Contracting, Incorporated XX-XXX7585 2000006761 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Rocky Mount/Edgecombe Community Development Corporation XX-XXX1865 2000005926 December 6/9/2020 Failure to submit reports - NC HFA
SAIL NC, Inc. XX-XXX7989 2000003099 June 10/28/2017 Failure to submit reports
Saint Stephen United Church of Christ XX_XXX7041 2000006600 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Sampson County Community Development Corporation XX-XXX1837 2000003058 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Sauratown Trails Association XX-XXX8201 2000002715 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Saxapahaw Community Chest XX-XXX5790 2000006829 January 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Seapath Marina XX-XXX3788 2000007762 June 12/31/2007 missing reports prior to FY 2008 - DENR
Seesaw Studio, Inc. XX-XXX8864 2000004135 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Sencera International Corporation XX-XXX7659 2000002767 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Senior Care Connections XX-XXX9046 2000005348 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
SHIFT NC XX-XXX3369 2000003261 June 9/7/2023 Failure to submit reports - DHHS
Signature Place, LLC XX-XXX5125 2000001067 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Soul City Vol. Rural Fire Assoc., Inc. XX-XXX1513 2000006642 June 3/19/2025 Missing Jan-Mar, April-June, July-Sept, Oct-Dec '24 performance reports
Southern Highland Handicraft Guild, Inc. XX-XXX4967 2000001395 December 6/30/2008 missing reports prior to FY 2008 - Transportation
Stand In The Gate Ministries XX-XXX2044 2000001599 June 12/31/2007 missing reports prior to FY 2008 - Juvenile Justice
Standing inside the Gap Mentoring Program XX-XXX3398 2000001030 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Starpet, Inc. XX-XXX3169 2000005204 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Stoney Creek Park Alliance XX-XXX4616 2000001911 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Storms Farms XX-XXX1073 2000002058 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Summit House, Inc. XX-XXX2542 2000002638 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Sunqest, Inc. XX-XXX6200 2000004524 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Surry Women's Shelter, Inc. XX-XXX7430 2000006380 June 12/31/2007 missing reports prior to FY 2008 - Crime Control
The Construction Professionals Network Institute, Inc. XX-XXX1902 2000003055 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
The Pisgah Center, Inc. XX-XXX6861 2000001958 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
The Vineyards XX-XXX6963 2000003892 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
The Youth Development Football League XX-XXX0543 2000006594 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Triad Economic Development Corporation XX-XXX9787 2000005440 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Triangle Precision Diagnostics, Inc. XX-XXX9682 2000018605 December 7/5/2023 Failure to reimburse State for overpayment
Tyrrell County Community Development Corporation XX-XXX6350 2000002295 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
United States Veterans Corps XX-XXX6778 2000016324 June 3/19/2025 Missing expense reports
UNITY Community Development Corporation XX-XXX7755 2000006093 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
US Environmental Protection Service XX-XXX5264 2000002749 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Wake Teen Medical Services - CLOSED XX-XXX5830 2000002362 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Water Systems Council XX-XXX0143 2000007765 June 12/31/2007 missing reports prior to FY 2008 - DENR
Western Carolinians For Criminal Justice , Inc. XX-XXX1257 2000003357 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Westside Community Foundation, Inc. XX-XXX9437 2000002713 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Windows On The World E-Cdc XX-XXX3942 2000000827 December 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Yadkin River Greenway Council XX-XXX8342 2000000514 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016
Yancey County XX-XXX0453 2000010646 June 3/19/2025 Missing expense reports
Youth Vision, Inc. XX-XXX0112 2000004985 June 7/31/2016 MISSING REPORTS PRIOR TO 08/01/2016

This page was last modified on 03/25/2025