RRP Application

The Tropical Storm Fred Residential Recovery Program is no longer accepting new applicants. 

Step 1 

To apply submit the Residential Recovery Program application.

Homeowners/landlords apply here!

If you are a tenant and were impacted by TS Fred we may still be able to help you, please contact the TS Fred Recovery office by email at: TSFred@nc.gov or call: 844-935-1744 to talk to a staff member.

Step 2

After your application is reviewed, we will contact you. We may send an inspector or approved contractor to assess your home’s damage and determine if repair or reconstruction is needed or determine whether you qualify for a reimbursement. Should an inspection or assessment be necessary, we will ask you to grant us permission to access the property by completing a Right of Entry form.

If you would like additional information, have other questions about the program, or are unsure if you are qualified or need assistance then please email us, or call toll free at: (844) 935-1744.

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