Agencies achieve operational excellence when their policies and programs are:
- aligned with strategic goals;
- designed using the best available evidence;
- crafted to provide a simple, user-friendly experience;
- delivered with fidelity;
- evaluated to monitor performance; and
- adapted as needed to continuously meet performance benchmarks.
By creating feedback loops that show what’s working—and what isn’t—we can learn how to design policies and programs that deliver the best results for the people of North Carolina.
OSBM's Role
OSBM provides guidance, training, and technical assistance to help agencies achieve operational excellence. Our services include:
- Get training (Performance Management Academy).
- Create and use strategic plans.
- Summarize academic research and state best practices.
- Identify Priority Questions and build Learning Agendas.
- Justify budget requests with evidence (JDF).
- Develop a logic model for how inputs cause outcomes.
- Apply behavioral insights and user-centered (UX) design.
- Scale and deliver programs with agile project management.
- Determine data analytic and visualization needs.
- Design casual impact evaluations, with econometric and RCT methods.
- Draft and peer-review pre-analysis plans (NC OSF Registry).
- Find research partners (NC Project Portal).
Depending on your needs, OSBM might provide training and technical assistance, or we might leverage the NC Project Portal to find external partners who can help.
Explore the options below to learn more about OSBM services and partnership opportunities. If you’re not sure where to start, or you want to talk through your vision and needs for operational excellence, the easiest first step is to sign up for OSBM technical assistance: