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Monday, July 24, 2023

State Budget Leaders Tapped to Speak at National Conferences North Carolina Assistant State Budget Officers Featured Speakers

Lanier McRee and Darryl Childers serve as speakers on performance management and evidence-based policy.
Raleigh, NC
Jul 24, 2023

Lanier McRee and Darryl Childers of the North Carolina Office of State Budget and Management (OSBM) served as speakers at national conferences this month on the topics of performance management and evidence-based policy in the public sector.

Professional development organizations, the National Association of State Budget Officers (NASBO) and Advance Grow Accelerate (AGA), invited Childers and McRee, both Assistant State Budget Officers with OSBM, to provide insight into topics surrounding evidence and science-based policy development, particularly as it relates to public sector budgeting.

“OSBM has developed a reputation as a leader among state budget offices in performance management and evidence-based based budgeting, winning honors from Results for America and Pew Charitable Trust.” explained North Carolina State Budget Director Kristin Walker. “We’ve learned a lot over the years about how to foster the shift toward policy driven by research and measurable outcomes and we are happy to share that knowledge.”

Darryl Childers presented strategies to improve capacity for evidence-based policy at the NASBO annual meeting July 16 – 19 in Wilmington, Delaware. NASBO is the premier professional organization for state budget and finance officers. Through training, research, and resources the organization supports members representing all 50 states and U.S. territories.  

Lanier McRee served on a panel discussion of performance-based data and evidence in budgeting at AGA’s Professional Development Training Conference 2023 (PDT23) in Orlando, Florida. The three-day conference began July 23. AGA is an association of more than 14,000 government finance and related professionals and others who advance good government initiatives.  

“The evolution of performance management in government is probably one of the most important developments in public policy in recent decades. The potential positive impact on program outcomes is exciting,” said Lanier McRee.

“One of the biggest challenges to evidence-based policies is capacity building within the limitations of the public sector,” added Darryl Childers. “That’s why knowledge-sharing and professional development are so vital in this sphere.”

About Lanier McRee and Darryl Childers

Lanier McRee and Darryl Childers are Assistant State Budget Officers with the North Carolina Office of State Budget and Management. They lead teams of analysts who work with state agencies on performance management and program improvement initiatives as well as evidence-based budget proposals. They oversee development of training and resources to continually improve the state’s performance management capacity. 

McRee has over 15 years of experience in state budgeting and budget development across both the Legislative and Executive branches. Prior to her time at OSBM, Lanier spent nine years with the North Carolina General Assembly’s Fiscal Research Division as well as several years in management consulting.

Childers has spent his career in the public and philanthropic sectors, focused on developing and managing policies and services to address complex community issues. Before joining OSBM, Darryl was a program officer and grants manager for foundations. He also served as a policy advisor to the Governor of North Carolina. 

About OSBM

The Office of State Budget and Management (OSBM) is committed to serving North Carolinians by providing objective information and analysis to ensure a balanced budget and effective stewardship of public resources.

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