OSBM reviews the regulatory impact analyses of certain permanent rule changes proposed by State Executive Branch agencies. These analyses identify, describe, and quantify the expected effects of the proposed rule changes to the extent possible. The purpose of conducting a regulatory impact analysis is to improve rule design, inform decision-makers, and communicate with the regulated community.

Review by our office is just an early step in the process state agencies go through to implement a new rule. Proposed rule changes must progress through several stages of analysis, review, and feedback before becoming effective and entering the Administrative Code.

After OSBM approval and consideration by the rulemaking body, the proposed changes will be submitted for a 60-day public comment period along with the regulatory impact analysis. Approved regulatory impact analyses are published on the agency’s website and in OSBM’s archive. Proposed and final rules are published in the North Carolina Register. Agencies also issue notifications about upcoming rule changes and public comment opportunities through their “interested parties” listservs.

If the rulemaking body decides to proceed with the rules after the public comment period, the  Rules Review Commission, supported by the Office of Administrative Hearings, conducts a review for legal authorization and clarity before the changes may become effective. The Office of Administrative Hearings provides a map outlining the rulemaking process.

To Submit a Proposed Regulation

If you are with a state agency beginning the rulemaking process, please review this overview of the process for building and approving the agency regulatory impact analysis. If you have any comments or questions regarding the requirements, please submit them at osbmruleanalysis@osbm.nc.gov

Regulatory Analysis Training Slides

Additional information about requirements can be found in the Administrative Procedure Act (G.S. 150B-21.4) and the State Budget Manual (section 10).

If you are ready to submit a completed regulatory impact analysis:

Submit a Regulatory Analysis for OSBM Review

OAH also provides additional information for Rulemaking Coordinators.

OSBM Approved Regulatory Impact Analyses

View the regulatory impact analyses that have been approved on our archive. The archive is searchable by date and by agency. 

OSBM bases its approval of the analyses on the requirements in the Administrative Procedure Act (G.S. 150B-21.4) and Executive Order No. 70 (as amended by Executive Order No. 48), and the instructions in the State Budget Manual (section 10)

For More Information

Should you have any questions concerning the above materials or the responsibilities of the OSBM in regulatory oversight please contact:

Julie Ventaloro
Office of State Budget and Management
20320 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-0320
Telephone: (984) 236-0694
Email: osbmruleanalysis@osbm.nc.gov

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